Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Birthdays, Birthdays, and more Birthdays

Growing up my family had what my mom dubbed 'birthday alley'.  It ran from August until October with Mom's and mine and my younger sister's birthdays in August, my older sister in September and finally my dad in October.  We have our own 'birthday alley' at our house.  It runs from the end of July until October.  By the end of October, I'm about done with cake and ice cream (okay, maybe just cake because I LOVE ice cream).  Six of us have birthdays during this stretch, Claudia is the only one who doesn't (hers is in February) - that ensures that she gets her own birthday post :).
July 23rd

July 27th
(My birthday is August 21st - no pictures)

August 28th
(Tim's birthday is October 7th)

October 23rd

1 comment:

VV said...

Florida pics would be nice!