Monday, February 14, 2011

On a Much Less Serious Note...

Okay, the kids have been home for two years now, right?  From any of you who already have your kids home for awhile now, is it safe now to put the trash can back in the downstairs bathroom in your opinion?  We put the one in the upstairs bathroom on the window ledge - away from the toilet (we still keep it there, think we can take it down yet?).  If you've already been to Colombia, you probably already know why we did this... for the rest of you, it will remain a mystery unless someone gets graphic with any comments to this question, because I'm not spelling it out!

Nevermind the hand-painted, Mexican talavera ceramic soap dispenser and soap dish - they may be seen again when all our kids have entered high school...  I bought plastic soap dispensers at the $1 store soon after we came home.  This is just "kid-proofing" the bathroom, it doesn't have anything to do with "cultural differences" between the US and Colombia.


Dan and Karen said...

3.5 years and we still put the trash can far away from the toilet. Maybe because they're boys? We have one that will do it the US way, one that still wants to do it the Colombian way (if he has the chance - hence the trash can far away), and one that thinks it's for "target" practice! :)

Cindy LaJoy said...

Hahaha! I literally laughed out loud over this one! And yea, I totally know what you mean :-)